Ink Food - English

Comic I made in celebration of my 19th birthday. It stars Comic!Super7, who has established a food stand in the middle of nowhere, trying to sell food made of ink to the few customers available, who are clearly not happy with its look. A new entry comes out every week on my Twitter. Enjoy.

Ink Food #0 - Empty Space. The comic has 4 panels: 1) Desert that has a tumbleweed, clouds and a huge mountain at the background. 2) Same background, although the tumbleweed and the clouds have moved to the right. A pair of hands grabs onto the frame. 3) Same movement pattern in the background, and now a head of Comic! Super⁷ has appeared from the left side of the frame with a neutral expression. He is a black silhouette with 2 white eyes and a hat. 4) Same movement pattern in the background, and the head looks directly into the camera.

Ink Food #1 - First Day : The comic has 4 panels. 1) Comic!Super⁷ is struggling while pulling a cart with a striped hood on top of it. The background is a desert with a big mountain at the horizon, some clouds and a sun with shades. 2) The same background, although the clouds have moved, and the Sun is now looking at the nearest one. Comic!Super⁷ is pasting two wooden planks together. The cart can be seen behind him. 3) The same background pattern, with the cloud slightly covering the sun, who is now visibly shocked. Comic!Super⁷ has joined the wooden planks with the cart, which now has a wooden sign, and is now throwing the hood on top. 4) Same movement partern as before, with the cloud covering the sun completely, even stealing its shades. The food stand is now complete, with the sign saying INK FOOD, some containers and a menu.

Picture of Comic!Super⁷ holding a sign that says Ink Food. The text reads as follows: -" Hey there! What you saw above was Ink Food, a new comic I'm gonna try to release once a week. Based on an old RP thing I had on my Amino days, it's the perfect theme for something made to celebrate my 19th Birthday! Basically, it's about how Comic!Super⁷ tries to have a food stand on the middle of nowhere, and to top it all off, it's made of ink! So he struggles getting along with the few clients he has while trying to sell what's kinda the opposite of eye-candy. However, it also works as a Q&A! Just ask me questions and I'll integrate it into the story. If you want, you can even give me a character to make it even more immersive. Anyways, hope I can make something decently fun for you guys. Enjoy! "-
Ink Food #2 - Waiting…: The comic has 4 panels: 1) The background is a desert path with a road, some pebbles, wheel tracks and 2 tumbleweeds coming from opposite ends in an isometric view. Comic!Super⁷ is in his Food Stand, while saying enthusiastically: -" I can't wait to get my first client! "- 2) The same background, but the tumbleweeds now bumped against each other, and some wheel tracks have disappeared. Comic!Super⁷, now slightly less happy, says: -" Yep! Any minute now! "- 3) The same background, but now the tumbleweeds have moved a bit to the opposite direction and more tracks have disappeared. Comic!Super⁷, a bit bored, says: -" Any… minute… now… "- 4) The same background, but the tumbleweeds are now at the edges of the panel and there's no tracks left. Comic!Super⁷, now unhappy, says: -" … "- -" Ok, I think I see where this is going. "-

Ink Food #3 - Mapped : This comic has 4 panels: 1) Comic!Super⁷ is in his food stand, saying to himself: -" Maybe I just need some advertisement first. "- 2) Comic!Super⁷ uses his phone, a mix of a smartphone with a keyboard cellphone, which says: -" XX:XX +7 Msgs 4 bars 17% | COOL MAPS | NEW RESTAURANT: | NAME: INK FOOD: | OWNER: COMICSUPER7 | ADDRESS: LEL DESERT, MIDDLE O' NOWHERE NUMBER 1672 | PRESS OK TO SUBMIT "- 3) The phone showcases the map location of the stand with these texts: -" LEL DESERT, MIDDLE O'NOWHERE NUM. 1672 - INK FOOD | SUBMISSION WAS SUCCESSFUL! ^^ YOUR RESTAURANT WILL NOW BE SHOWN ON COOL MAPS AND ALL NEARBY USERS HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED! | TOTAL NOTIFIED: 2 | PRESS OK TO GO BACK TO MAP "- 4) From a bird's-eye view, we can see how a long distance from both sides of the stand, 2 users were notified: SomeGuy and Mr.Combine. A pop-up comment says: -" NEW COMMENT BY MASKACHE: DO YOU SELL RUSSIAN GLOWCAPS "-

Ink Food #4 - First Client(s) : This comic has 4 panels: 1) On the Food Stand, Comic!Super7 (C) is attending SomeGuy (S) and Mr.Combine (M), saying: -" S: Oh, hey! Are we the first clients? "- -" C: Yeah! "- -" M: Awesome fr fr. "- The background shows 2 cacti on the desert. 2) SomeGuy checks the menu, and Comic!Super⁷ is joyful, with Mr. Combine silent. They say: -" S: Neat. I think I'll have…an Ink Pizza, please. "- -" C: Sure thing! "- The background shows a cactus with a Bazooka from Worms. 3) A plate is shown with an Ink Pizza on top, which kind of looks made out of scribbles, and Comic!Super⁷'s hand. SomeGuy is surprised. C says: -" Here you go! Enjoy! "- 4) SomeGuy is walking off confused with his Ink Pizza in hand. Mr. Combine orders, and Comic!Super⁷ is very happy. They say: -" M: I'll have 5 of everything, please. "- -" C: Right away, sir! "- The background shows a Cactus about to be hit by the bazooka's missile.

Ink Food #5 - Post-Sell : This comic has 4 panels: 1) On the Food Stand, seen from inside, Comic!Super7 is waving coolbye to his first clients, saying: -" Thanx! Have a cool day and come back soon! "- The background shows the 2 clients on the horizon as the sun sets. 2) The food stand is shown from outside as Comic!Super7 lays his hands on the counter with coins on top. He then says: -" Wow... I can't believe I just had my first clients. And to top it all off, I even finally got my... "- 3) Comic!Super7 cheers as a group of coins (a coin of 5, 4 of 25 with another of 5) sum 110. He then says: -" MY FIRST PAY! "- 4) From the same angle as panel 2, Comic!Super7 is happy while holding a phone near his head, the former having SAMMY in the screen. He then says: -" Oh, I just GOTTA tell Sammy about how well I'm doing here. "-

Ink Food #6 - Wake-up call: This comic has 4 panels: 1) Sammy⁷ lays sick in her bed, with an ice bag on her head. She's angrily looking at her ringing cellphone. 2) Super⁷ looks shy from the Ink Food stand, while a huge speech bubble covers most of the panel: -" WHAT IS IT?!?!?! "-, coming from his cellphone. 3) There's a line separating the different locations, as both Super⁷ and Sammy⁷ speak in that respective order: -" Geez, sorry. Just wanted to tell you about my stand and stuff. Everything ok? "- -" No. I've been sick for days, and your constant calls may have made it worse. "- 4) Same layout, with Super⁷ winking at the front, and Sammy⁷ looking unamused at the front. Their dialogue is, in that order: -" Sorry for that! I just feel like we haven't seen each other in, like, 14 weeks! "- -" I'm gonna kill you. "-

Ink Food #7 - Glowcaps 'n' Cellphones: This comic has 4 panels: 1) C!Super⁷ looks sad, while on a call with Sammy⁷: -" Seriously, though. Sorry about the calls. I really didn't know you were sick. Hope you get better soon. "- -" It's fine. Now, I'm guessing you have something to tell me? "- 2) Sammy's shocked, with an ice bag. Super shouts -" I JUST GOT MY FIRST CLIENTS AND MY FIRST PAY WOOO "- 3) Order is Sammy, Super, Sammy: -" That VERY loud scream aside, uh… I'm so happy for you! If you… somehow, need more ink, just call me, and I'll be there! "- -" Of course! By the way, I think I know of something that might just be enough for you to get better. "- -" Aw, thank you lots. So, what is it called? "- 4) Sammy has an unamused face, and Super says while happily holding russian glowcaps: -" After I got this random comment on Super Maps, and lots of research, I think what you need are some good old: RUSSIAN GLOWCAPS! They'll heal you, and even charge up your inner batteries! "-

Ink Food #8 - Explosive Introduction: This comic has 4 panels: 1) CS7 is in the food stand, looking perplexed with his phone in hand. Behind him is a mountain. He says: -" And… she hung up. Maybe she just thought I was pulling her leg or something. "- 2) The background changes into an umbrella-like pattern, as he bends his arms to the sides, looking confident while saying: -" Anyways, it's a new day! It's time to get ready for a brand new round of custome- "- 3) An explosion suddenly happens at the top of the mountain in a big BOOM, with CS7 looking shocked, and a small object flying from the explosion. 4) The object turns out to be a person, who's currently kinda burnt and unconscious. CS7 is surprised, with a (!) an everything, when the person crashes near the food stand.

Ink Food #9 - Unrequested Support: This comic has 4 panels: 1) Comic!Super⁷ is helping the girl, who had crashed near the stand, to get up, with both saying: -" Holy cow! Hey, are you ok?! "- -" Considering that I just got blown away by a mountain, I would say not. "- In the background is the mountain and a building, both far away. 2) CS7 hands a bottle of water to the girl, with both saying: -" Oh, right. That must have hurt you bad, maybe you should drink a bit. "- -" Thanks a lot. I was actually a bit thirsty… "- 3) CS7 is happy with his index finger up, while the girl is drinking the water. He says: -" Refreshing, isn't it? It's always nice to drink some good ol' ink water! "- 4) Upon the realization of what she's drinking, she immediately spits it all away, with a shocked face.

Ink Food # 10 - Look it up, it's true : This comic has 4 panels: 1) The girl is angrily shaking a shocked Comic!Super7. Order is her-him-her: -" What the heck?! I almost drank ink! It could've made me ill or worse! "- -" But why'd ink make you ill?! "- -" YOU CAN'T EAT INK! "- 2) She lets go of CS7, who is squatting because of tiredness, and looks annoyed. Order is him-her-him: -" -* Uff *- Yes, you can. What do you mean? "- -" No? It's for printing, writing and so. It's super toxic. "- -" That's a different type. I use squid ink. S-Q-U-I-D-I-N-K "- 3) CS7 is shaking his right pocket, while both have a slight angered look. Order is her-him: -" Whut? But th- "- -" My ex and my bud bring it here personally. And before you say anything else… "- 4) CS7 shows the girl his phone: -" COOL ANSWERS | Q: Is squid ink edible? | A1: Yes, though in small amounts. Source: "- Order is him-her: -" Here. Cool Answers itself says that you can eat it. "- -" Huh… "-

Ink Food #11 - Business comes first: This comic has 4 panels: 1) Comic!Super7 puts his phone down, with a curious look, as the girl, who looks bothered, puts her hand in the front. Her-Him order: -" Ok, ok, I get it! Your ink can be eaten. Anything else left? "- -" Glad we're clear on that. And yes, who are you? What's up with that blast? "- 2) The girl crosses her arms, with a serious look. Her-Him order: -" …Sure, why not. Name's Rosa. Rosa Sombra. Truth is, I'm an adventurer, and I'd like some help to get to the top of that mountain. It's full of traps and stuff. "- -" Did you say help? I know what you need! Gimme a second. "- 3) CS7 puffs into his food stand, as Rosa's eyebrows arch. She says: -" Thanks, I'd like some directions, or a bit of information about that mountain- "- 4) A plate with an Ink Cupcake, which looks very scribbly, appears, with Rosa's face being that of disgust. CS7 says: -" Ta-dah! After all that effort, you've gotta be very hungry! "-

Ink Food #12 - Critical Rejection: This comic has 4 panels: 1) Comic!Super⁷ is on his food stand holding the Ink Cupcake he offered Rosa, who is just standing with a neutral expression. In the background is the mountain and a cloud. 2) Rosa begins to walk out of there, with CS7 looking shocked. The cloud from the background has a >:) face. Order of speech her-him: -" No, thanks. I pass "- -" UH?! BUT FOOD SHOULD HELP! "- 3) CS7 is leaning back with his eyes popping out looking at the speech bubble make a STAB through him. Rosa says: -" First of all, I wanted a different kind of help. "- -" Second, no offense, but that thing looks kinda… UGLY "- 4) CS7 is stuck processing the word UGLY thrice over Rosa's text: -" Ok, that wasn't nice. What I wanted to say is that I dislike the fact that it's made of ink, even if I know now thar it's edible and stuff. Look, I uust want you to tell me what you lnow about the mountain and that will ve enough for me. Uh… hey? You there? "-

Ink Food #13 - Shock: This comic has 4 panels: 1) Comic!Super⁷ drops to his knees by the food stand, while in shock. Rosa tries to check up on him, and says: -" Hey, what's wrong? What happened to you? Are you ok? Was it what I sai-… "- 2) Rosa puts her fist by her chin, and thinks. 3) Rosa gets up, looking kinda serious with her eyes closed. She says: -" Sorry, but I just don't have time for things like these to distract me. Not again. Dunno' what your deal is, but I have to go back there, and fast. "- -" I left you 3 coins for the trouble. "- 4) Rosa leaves into the distance, while CS7 is still in shock. Rosa says: -" Later, hope you get well. "-

Ink Food #14: Problem Statement - This comic has 4 cloudy panels: 1) Comic!Super⁷ and Comic!Sammy⁷ are sat by a table, looking more scribbly than usual. She's cheekily happy, showing a finger ring, while he looks cocky. Her-Him order -" …And that's how I became a married woman. Just look at this! No offense to your gifts. "- -" Congrats! Though that makes you an engaged woman, not a married one. "- 2) Sammy smiles, while CS7 has his arms crossed and looks confident. Her-Him order: -" I'll let you correct me on said matters when YOU get engaged with someone. "- -" You should know by now. I'm too cool for relationships. "- 3) CS7 looks to the side, slightly troubled. Her-Him order -" …Or maybe you just need to have a bit more commitment, you know. "- -" Eh? "- 4) CS7 looks as Sammy points at him, puzzled. She says -" I mean, no offense, but…  Haven't you wondered how different your life'd be… If you had the commitment to start and complete everything you set out to do? "-

Ink Food #15: Genuine Advice - This comic has 4 cloudy panels: 1) Comic!Super⁷ gets up from the table, looking bothered. He says: -" Hey, what is your problem? I came here to congratulate you for the engagement, and in turn I get you saying that I'm living my life wrong? "- 2) Comic!Sammy⁷ slams the table, with a serious look, saying: -" Calm down. It wasn't my intention. All I'm trying to do is help you, because as your friend, I worry for you. "- 3) Sammy looks worried, as she says: -" Look, after we were done, I thought I wouldn't find love ever again. And, with Fails, I changed that. What I want you to get from this is that you don't have to stay like that. That if I can change, so can you. "- 4) CS7 looks less angry, as Sammy says: -" And that you know, that however you try to change, even if you don't, that we'll support you, because we're your friends. "- -" But please,  at least try. Not for my sake, but yours, ok? "-

Ink Food #16 - Business Promise: This comic has 4 panels. 3 cloudy and 1 normal: 1) A scribbly Comic!Super⁷ is looking down, undecided and with some suspensive dots. 2) CS7 turns his head to look at a scribbly Comic!Sammy⁷, who's at the other side of the table they're in. They both look a bit pensive though worried. Order is him-her: -" What you said about supporting me no matter what I do. Did you really mean it? "- -" Of course. "- 3) We look at CS7 from the side, with a less worried expression. He says -" Well… Truth is, I've had this special idea in my head, for some time now. "- 4) We get out of CS7's mind, as he now looks not scribbly at all, and with a mix between worried and serious face. Next to him are 3 coins and a plate. He thinks -" Something with enough passion for me to feel like I'd never give up on doing it. "-

Ink Food #E1: Backup - The comic has 4 panels: 1) Manolo is nearing the Ink Food stand. Comic!Super⁷ is shocked, saying: -" Shoot! A client's coming in! "- 2) CS7 is worried, looking at a document in his hand, then says: -" But I still have to finish this important thing very soon… Guess I'll have to do the backup plan… "- 3) CS7 hands Manolo a plate with one of every food in the menu, while looking happy, and saying: -" Hey there! You're the 4th client, so here's one of everything! It's on the house! "- 4) Manolo says -" Thanks! "- as he goes into the horizon with his food, and CS7 smiles while saying: -" And there goes a happy client… Now I can go finish my important thing before going back to business! "-

Ink Food #E2 - Niece : This comic has 4 scribbly panels: 1) Comic!Super⁷ is greeting both Comic!Sammy⁷ and her daughter, Lucky. They're all happy. Order is CS7-Lucky: -" Bello, Lucky! I'm here to say goodbye. "- -" Bello, unc' Super! Are you gonna set up your business? "- 2) CS7 has a hand pointing upwards, while the other is moving on his back, taking something out. Lucky is surprised, while Sammy reacts to what he says. Order is CS7-Lucky: -" Yeah! But first, I brought a little gift for you! "- -" WOW! For real? "- 3) A plate with an Ink Candy is shown, which makes Lucky Star-eyed. Order is CS7-Lucky: -" TA-DAH! Some Ink Candies! And they taste like your favorite flavor: Mint! Do you like it? "- -" YEAH! Thanx, unc'! "- 4) CS7 smiles nervously, after Sammy enlarges to happily give an indirect threat, with Lucky looking at you. Order is Sammy-CS7: -" What a nice detail! Now I'll keep it locked away until I know if it's dangerous for her, A'ight? "- -" Yeah, yeah, sure… "-

Ink Food #17 - Day 2: This comic has 4 panels: 1) Comic!Super⁷ wakes up with a FWIP, looking confused, and saying: -" What time is it? I can't believe that I shutoff like that. "- 2) CS7 jumps from the ground and lands with a POOF, saying: -" Eh, who cares. New day, new shift. Time to get busy. "- 3) As he's waking to the stand, CS7 looks at his phone, saying: -" Oh, I should notify that the stand is open. "- 4) CS7 looks at this phone, which screen shows: -" COOL MAPS | PLACE: INK FOOD, STATUS: OPEN "-, as he says: -" And… It's done. "-

Ink Food #18: Past Midnight - This comic has 4 panels: 1) Comic!Super⁷ is in the Ink Food stand at night, grabbing his head, with eyebags, and notably tired. He says: -" Ugh… another day where not even a single client dhows up. "- -" And to top it all off… "- 2) CS7 grabs his hat, and leans down, as if taking cover from the big BOOM! that comes from the mountain. He says: -" This darn mountain won't let me sleep a wink! "- 3) CS7 is sleeping, with a big ZZZ coming from his dialogue: -" Though now I think I am getting a bit… s…lee…pyyyyy………………………zZZ- "- 4) CS7 tried to get up, as he looks to the right with a tired face, noting a TAP TAP with a ?.

Ink Food #19 : Background Check - This comic has 4 panels: 1) Comic!Super⁷ is tired, looking from the stand as a shadowy figure walks towards there, making TAP TAP sounds in the middle of the night. He says: -" If you're the mountain girl, wanna let you know that it's 3 AM. "- 2) The shadowy figure is closer, saying: -" Sorry for coming so late, without notice of any kind. "- -" But I'm not from there, nor am I a girl. "- 3) The shadowy figure reveals itself as a mouse with glasses, a shirt, a tie and gloves. Order is mouse-mouse-CS7: -" My name's Erin The Mouse, and I'm from the U. of Ink. "- -" Saw this stand in the map- "- -" HUH? THERE'S AN UNIVERSITY NEARBY? WHERE?! "- 4) Erin, a bit annoyed, points back to a dark rectangle from the background, saying: -" ... "- -" Yes, by that one rectangle. "-

Ink Food #E3: The Last Ink Supper - This comic has 4 panels: 1) Comic!Super⁷ is on a table, surrounded by food and 4 friends: Sammy, Fails, Lucky and Mahō. CS7 is happy, while extending his arms, Fails smiles with derp eyes, Mahō's face is hidden by her wizard hat. CS7 says: -" Bello, everyone! Thanx for coming to my Christmas dinner! "- -" I love all of you as if we were family! "- 2) CS7 is now doing a pose, Lucky has her mouth open in awe, and Sammy reacts negatively to what CS7 says: -" Now that you've gotten a taste of the food, I have a lil' surprise to reveal to y'all! "- 3) CS7 raises his arm in excitement, with all but Fails having surprised eyes and a full mouth. Fails just looks at his food happily. CS7 screams: -" ALL THE FOOD HERE WAS MADE WITH THE INK FROM MY STAND! "- 4) CS7 looks at the screen as everyone PFFTs their food out, much to Fails' confusion. CS7 says: -" Cool Christmas to all who are reading this comic right now. "- -" Be it with, or without Ink Food. "-

Ink Food #E4: A 2025 with more Ink Food - This comic has 4 panels: 1) Mr2Secs has his arm stretched, as if showing the dialogue: -" Bello, everyone, and a Cool New Year 2025. I'm Mr2Secs, creator of this comic. "- 2) Mr2Secs is below a bunch of icons which represent Likes, RTs, Comments, and a bunch of Discord reactions, saying: -" From the bottom of my heart, I'm grateful for all the support you've given Ink Food across the year. "- 3) There's a bunch of plushies of all the characters that have shown up in the comic, including IRL user cameos, with the text: -" Even though this comic was made with an experimental purpose, I had fun trying to tell a coherent story by combining characters that I made as a kid and those that were based on real people. "- 4) Below a -" Basically… "-, there's a plate on a multi-tone background, with text made and decorated by Ink: -" Thanx 4 everything, see you this 2025 "-.

Ink Food #E5: Questions&A Part 1.1 - This comic has 4 panels: 1) Comic!Super⁷ and Erin are on the Ink Food stand, talking about the -" [Plot] "- 2) Suddenly, CS7 pushes Erin away, and looks at the camera with a happy expression. Erin screams: -" HEY "-, while CS7 says: -" Oh, hey! Did not see you there! Let's get the plot out of the way for a second. "- 3) CS7 then walks out of the stand, and extends his arm, while saying: -" Surely, you've got aome questions about this comc and its world. Like why it exists, if everyone eats ink, or if you could show up sometime. "- 4) CS7 raises his arm, with a closed fist, and a happy smile, next to a mini-comic. He says: -" So just reply to this comic with all your questions, and I will answer, be it integrating it into the plot, or on a dedicated Extra comic! "-


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